Lingfield Park Racecourse Safety Stewards

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Lingfield Park History and Track Information

10/12/2024 -Lottery News From Barry

Here are the numbers for the 4 weeks from Friday 13th December to Friday the 3rd January 2025 Keep Safe and Good luck!

LBGT+ Training

British racing is for everyone. It is a diverse and inclusive sport in which people from communities should feel welcome, able to be themselves and achieve their potential.

Stuart saves the Weighing Room but not the Old Telly in the Box (7am 05/01/2021)

Video on Facebook

 ST1 11 minutes - 2021


25/04/21 - Click Below to Register

Action Counters Terrorism V2

Lingfield 2024/5 Fixture List


11-06-2024 14-25-45
Acrobat Reader

Lingfield Provisional 2025 Fixture List


BHA Provisional 2025 Fixture All Courses

23-11-2024 11-31-40
13-12-2024 11-59-18
13-12-2024 12-08-58